

508. Zhongguo Guojifa Niankan [Chinese Yearbook of International Law] 2023, CONTENTS Building New Chapters on the Past, Keeping Innovation to the Future --- Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 11th CSIL Member Congress and the 2023 CSIL Annual Conference, HUANG Jin; The Law on Foreign Relations: A Milestone in the Construction of China’s Foreign-Related Rule of Law System, HUANG Huikang, SHI Xiaobin; Application of International Humanitarian Law to Non-State Armed Groups, LU Daqun; Application of China’s Consular Protection and Assistance Regulation: Challenges and Improvements, XE Haixia; A Study on the Executive Immunity of State Properties: Legislative Provisions and Related Practices, WANG Jia; International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law: Norm Conflicts and Solutions, WEI Xiaoxu; Ascertaining Mechanism of a Law’s Extraterritorial Effect: Ideal Characteristics, Status Quo, and Judicial Approach, CHEN Liang; The Reform of International Financial Institutions and New International Economic Order --- A Critical International Law Approach, CHENG Yu; 40 Years Chinese History of International Law and the Chinese Yearbook of International Law: Looking Back to Look Forward, HAO Yayezi, CHEN Mohan; Overview of the Work of the Chinese Society of International Law in 2023, ZHANG Aining; Overview of the Latest Practice of the International Court of Justice in 2023, LI Xintong, WANG Jia; Overview of the Interstate Arbitrations under the Auspices of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in 2023, SONG Yan; Overview of the Practice of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in 2023, MI Chenxi, YANG Yixin; Overview of IRMCT’s Work Progress in 2023, XU Haoran; Overview of ICC’s Practice in2023, XU Handong; Overview of the Work of the International Seabed Authority in 2023, WANG Zhe, ZHANG Dan; Progress and Related Issues of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in 2023, YIN Jie, FANG Yinxia; The Negotiation Process of the BBNJ Agreement and China’s Contribution, ZHENG Miaozhuang; ...

507. Guojifa Xuekan [Journal of International Law], No. 4, December 2024, CONTENTS The Interpretation and Application of Article 194 (2) of UNCLOS regarding the Issue of Climate Change, LEI Xiaolu, ZHANG Lishu; Legal Characterization of Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Emissions: An Analysis of ITLOS Advisory Opinion on Climate Change, WANG Jia, PANG Shansi; From “Minding Our Own Business” to “Making a Difference” --- China’s Participation in the Advisory Proceedings of International Judicial Institutions, CAO Wenjiao; Sino-US Strategic Game and International Legal Order: Course, Performance, and Implication, MA Zhongfa, YUN Xinlei; The Challenges of Lethal Autonomous Weapon System to International Humanitarian Law and Solutions, XU Handong; The Systematic Interpretation and Normative Reconstruction of the Protective Jurisdiction in Article 8 of the Criminal Law, WANG Wenhua, LIU Yang; Business Strategy as Human Rights Risk: the Case of Private Equity, David Birchall, Nadia Bernaz (Translated by ZHANG Wei, LI Gaoxiang)

506. Guojifa Yanjiu [Chinese Review of International Law], No. 6, November 2024, CONTENTS Asian International Law or International Law in Asia: Analysis and Comparison, Zhang Naigen; Column of Rule of Law in Foreign-Related Affairs: Law on Foreign State Immunity (Ⅰ) Several Important Issues in Understanding and Applying The Law of the People’s Republic of     China on Foreign State Immunity, Tang Ya; The Identification of “State” in State Immunity: From a Perspective of Application of Laws,Yuan Faqiang and Hu Chenghang; The “Interests of Justice” Element in the Prosecutor’s proprio motu Power to Initiate Investigations at the International Criminal Court, Wang Xiaojing; Research on Interpretation and Application of WTO Security Exception Provisions: Taking China-U. S. Semiconductor Measures Case as an Example, E Xiaomei; Self-Shaping and Other-Shaping Images of Chinese Courts and Chinese Law: An Examination     Based on Chinese and Foreign Legal Practices, Chen Yanzhong and Zheng Lin; On the Relationship Between International Civil Procedure Law and Civil Procedure Law:     Comment on Article 270 of the Newly Amended Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China, Li Wang; Bridging Legal Differences: Harmonization and Innovation of Commercial Arbitration Legal     Regimes in the Greater Bay Area, Mao Xiaofei; Frontiers of Private International Law Around the World: An Annual Review (2022 - 2023), Du Tao and Zhu Depei.

505. Chinese Journal of International Law, vol. 23, issue 4 (2024), ARTICLES The “Great Powers” and The Formation of International Law, Kevin Jon Heller; A Custom’s Nine Lives: Decolonial Continuities of Opinio Juris in Customary International Law, Prabhakar Singh; Global Space Governance of Remote Sensing and the Needs of Developing States, S. Hadi Mahmoudi and Sima Moradinasab; Maritime Ambitions: China’s Emerging Great Power Identity and Its Strategies in BBNJ Agreement Negotiations, Nan Xia; COMMENT, Cholera in Haiti: A Tale of Two Interventions, M. Behesti Aydogan; CHRONOLOGY, Chronology of Practice: Chinese Practice in Private International Law in 2023, HE Qisheng; LETTER TO THE JOURNAL, The Decision of the Supreme Court of the Philippines on the Constitutionality of the JMSU, DONG Shijie; BOOK REVIEWS.

504. Harvard Medical School, COVID-19, Flu, and Colds, 2024, Any given year, we’ll collectively come down with one billion colds and up to 45 million cases of flu, while the number of new cases of COVID-19 keeps rising. In this guide, you will learn how to avoid getting any of these three viral infections, and, if you do get sick, what you can do to feel better. You’ll also learn when your condition is serious enough to call a doctor. The report also provides specific information about high-risk groups for whom COVID and the flu can be very serious.

Chinese Society of International Law, in association with Chinese Institute of International Law at China Foreign Affairs University, and National Center for Foreign-related Rule of Law Research at China Foreign Affairs University
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