134. Mario Fontán-Vela, Pedro Gullón, Javier Padilla-Bernáldez, Selective perimeter lockdowns in Madrid: a way to bend the COVID-19 curve? 2021.05.10, https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckab061 . In this article, we compared, using join point regressions, the evolution of COVID-19 cases in those areas where this intervention was implemented and those where it was not. According to our analysis, the decrease in the epidemic curve started before the impact of the perimeter lockdown could be reflected.

133. Sophie Harman, Threat not solution: gender, global health security and COVID-19, 2021.05.10, https://doi.org/10.1093/ia/iiab012 . This article illustrates the change in visibility, research and advocacy around gender equality during the COVID-19 and argues that the aboved change reinforces the inherent problems of global health security. The article concludes that what unites neglect and visibility of gender in global health security is that gender is understood as solution rather than threat. Combined these factors make gender equality incompatible with global health security.

132. Eilidh Bruce, Ben Carter, Terence J Quinn, etc., Multiple House Occupancy is Associated with Mortality in Hospitalised Patients with Covid-19, 2021.05.17, https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckab085 . This article finds that for patients hospitalised with COVID-19, those living with one or more people had an increased association with mortality, they also exhibited higher CRP indicating increased disease severity suggesting they delayed seeking care.

131. Katrina M Plamondon, Equity at a time of pandemic, 2021.5.21, https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/daab034 . This article explores how determinants of equity are embedded in global responses to it, arguing that these determinants will critically shape our global futures. Attentiveness to power and the relationship between political economy and health are argued as central to identifying and examining issues of equity. This article invites dialogue about how equity-centered planning, decision-making and action could leverage this massive disruption to society to spark a more hopeful, just, and humane collective future.

130. Ross Levine, Chen Lin, Mingzhu Tai, etc., How Did Depositors Respond to COVID-19? 2021.05.21, https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhab062 . This article discovers that deposit interest rates at bank branches in counties with higher COVID-19 infection rates fell by more than rates at branches—even branches of the same bank—in counties with lower infection rates and finds that higher local COVID-19 infection rates are associated with households’ greater anxiety about future job and income losses, anxiety that induces households to reduce spending and increase deposits.

129. Jay A Aquino, Jeffrey T Banal, etc., From leisure to isolation: a call to explore hotel sectors’ role during COVID-19 pandemic, 2021.05.21, https://doi.org/10.1093/pubmed/fdab172 . This paper supports the invitation for companies to act in accordance with their CSR and by emphasizing the various roles of companies just like what selected hotels do as isolation and quarantine facilities during the pandemic. However, certain considerations and issues must also be addressed by hotel sectors in accomplishing their CSR especially in time of public health crisis.

128. Maryrose C Macaraan, Mental health and legal education in the time of pandemic, 2021.05.21, https://doi.org/10.1093/pubmed/fdab170 . This paper explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of the law students. It addresses the impact of transition from physical face-to-face classes to a virtual online platform on their psychological wellness and coping mechanism. In the end, the paper mentions strategies that the law students may adopt amid the lack or absence of physical interaction with professors, classmates and friends.

127. Jeff Clyde G Corpuz, Building vaccine confidence through public participation, 2021.05.21, https://doi.org/10.1093/pubmed/fdab171 . This article raises awareness that vaccine hesitancy could undermine the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination programs. This article proposes the idea of public participation: dialog-based approach, incentive-based (non-financial) approach and reminder-recall approach based on the World Health Organization guidelines.

126. Sacha Alanoca, Nicolas Guetta-Jeanrenaud, etc., Digital contact tracing against COVID-19: a governance framework to build trust, 2021.05.05, https://doi.org/10.1093/idpl/ipab001 . This article points out that in order to deal with concerns raised over the adoption of digital contact tracing applications, there is a pressing need to co-design governance mechanisms that capture the health benefits of contact tracing applications while mitigating their potential risks and adverse effects. The article finds that the widespread adoption and efficacy of contact tracing applications is reliant on public trust and social acceptability, further reinforcing the need for ethical and legal frameworks governing their development.

125. Sarah Matheson AM, Artemis Kirkinis, Compulsory licence and Crown use provisions in the Covid-19 pandemic—the Australian perspective, 2021.05.03, https://doi.org/10.1093/jiplp/jpab070 . This article contends that, at least in relation to the Australian context, neither the compulsory licence nor the Crown use regimes ultimately provide the optimal measure to ensure supply of vaccines or treatments in this pandemic. Rather, the current collaborative approach is more effective to achieve this objective. In light of these considerations, this article concludes that the primary utility of the compulsory licence and Crown use provisions is not their deployment but their potential to drive collaboration.

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