14. Emmanuel Kolawole Oke, Is the National Security Exception in the TRIPS Agreement a Realistic Option in Confronting COVID-19? 2020.08.06, https://www.ejiltalk.org/is-the-national-security-exception-in-the-trips-agreement-a-realistic-option-in-confronting-covid-19/ . this article clarifies most of the flexibilities in the TRIPS Agreement (including the most extreme one i.e. the national security exception) may not be useful to some countries which are in the absence of domestic manufacturing capacity during a pandemic such as COVID-19.

13. David Fidler, COVID-19 and International Law: Must China Compensate Countries for the Damage?, 2020.03.27, www.justsecurity.org/69394/covid-19-and-international-law-must-china-compensate-countries-for-the-damage-international-health-regulations/ . This article claimed "the case for Chinese liability for COVID-19’s consequences seems less about international law than how the geopolitical rivalry between the United States and China has shaped the politics of this pandemic."

12. Michael Schmitt, Cyber Operations against Vaccine R & D: Key International Law Prohibitions and Obligations, 2020.08.10, https://www.ejiltalk.org/cyber-operations-against-vaccine-r-d-key-international-law-prohibitions-and-obligations/ . this article expounds the key international law prohibitions and obligations of a cyber operation targeting vaccine R & D and finds that vaccine espionage that does not cause the requisite effects does not violate international law. The article suggests states adopting “voluntary non-binding norm of responsible state behavior” , offer medical activities special protection.

11. Chimène Keitner, Don’t Bother Suing China for Coronavirus, 2020.04.08, https://www.justsecurity.org/69460/dont-bother-suing-china-for-coronavirus/ . This paper explained why U.S. courts do not have jurisdiction over private class action lawsuits brought against Chinese government defendants for their alleged misconduct in allowing the coronavirus to spread.

10. Chimène Keitner, Missouri’s Lawsuit Doesn’t Abrogate China’s Sovereign Immunity, 2020.04.22, https://www.justsecurity.org/69817/missouris-lawsuit-doesnt-abrogate-chinas-sovereign-immunity/ . This paper discusses how Missouri Attorney-General’s lawsuit against China will run into a wall of sovereign immunity.

9. Ryan Goodman & Danielle Schulkin, Timeline of the Coronavirus Pandemic and U.S. Response, 2020.05.07, https://www.justsecurity.org/69650/timeline-of-the-coronavirus-pandemic-and-u-s-response/ . This paper says: “What follows is a comprehensive timeline of major U.S. policy events related to the novel coronavirus pandemic. We’ve focused on the U.S. government’s preparation for a pandemic, tracking warning signals of COVID-19, and public and internal responses when the outbreak hit inside the United States.”

8. ICRC, IHL Rules on Humanitarian Access and Covid-19, 2020.04.08, https://www.icrc.org/en/download/file/117870/ihl_humanitarian_access_and_covid-19.pdf . This document provides an overview of the IHL rules on humanitarian access and COVID-19, and clarifies the measures taken by States to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic do not exist in a legal void and must be consistent with all applicable rules of international law, including IHL.

7. Kubo Mačák, TilmanRodenhäuser & Laurent Gisel, Cyber attacks against hospitals and the COVID-19 pandemic: How strong are international law protections? 2020.04.02, https://blogs.icrc.org/law-and-policy/2020/04/02/cyber-attacks-hospitals-covid-19/ . This paper examines the existing rules protecting the health-care sector against cyber attacks, and proposes a new norm against cyber attacks on medical facilities and services.

6. CordulaDroege, COVID-19 Response in Conflict Zones Hinges on Respect for International Humanitarian Law, 2020.04.16, https://blogs.icrc.org/law-and-policy/2020/04/16/covid-19-response-respect-international-humanitarian-law/?mc_phishing_protection_id=28048-bs1dc6n0s0vb3164lle0 . This article clarifies the key provisions of international humanitarian law, relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic in conflict situations, that must be fully respected when a pandemic hits countries at war.

5. Xinhua, Reality check of Australian allegations against China, 2020.07.12, https://xhnewsapi.zhongguowangshi.com/share/news?id=455964160794624&showType=3002&clientMarket=huawei . This article clarify that China is a victim of disinformation, not a disseminator. Lies evaporate in the light of truth. It is time to let facts speak for themselves.

Beijing Interest Group on Global Health and Global Governance
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